Friday, June 27, 2008

Complementarianism Strikes Back (2.0)

I found this article to be interesting. I have had a couple of discussion on the issue below and I would like to thank the ladies who commented on my earlier post along similar topic lines. I have found that the issue of women "complimenting men" has become more and more of a discussion now and it isn't shut down as quickly as it was during my Bible college days. I still don't have a problem with women in ministry (I hate the fact this sounds like such a knee jerk reaction) but I also find that a part of me agrees with this blog post from I think a lot of guys may think along the same lines but are afraid to admit it because they (we) don't want to remain single. It's hard to recover when your labeled chauvinist, especially (and you know its true) given how quickly ladies can spread the word. The take away question is, are men/women "coming out" of the egalitarian closet and if they are, does this necessarily lead to barefoot and pregnant? Read and let me know what you think!

"Among them were two young couples (early to mid 20's), who fit a mold that I increasingly observe. First, they are very theologically motivated and speak with great doctrinal intensity. Second, feeling welcomed and accepted is enormously important to them. Third, they all evidence a very strong, biblical, and beautiful commitment to gender complementarity. In separate interviews, two young wives said, "I completely agree with my husband. But I also trust his judgment and want to following his spiritual leadership."

I point this out because I think there is a misconception on the gender issue, namely, that if we want to be considered relevant by the young then we cannot afford to be openly complementarian. The great majority of my experience (and admittedly, this is among people who are attracted to a church like ours) shows exactly the opposite. The young people I meet are fed up with the egalitarianism of their upbringing and yearn for counter-cultural biblical authenticity. I would suggest that the examples of younger preachers like Josh Harris and Mark Driscoll, both of whom are in-your-face complementarians and draw in flocks of young people argues in the same direction. Based on these examples, I suspect that the gender debate is much more of a baby-boomer issue. Of course, the ultimate standard is the clear teaching of God's Word. But if we are going to talk sociology, I want to put my two cents in.

P.S. The young people joining our church also say that they are blown away by classic, historically-rooted (i.e. traditional) worship. This, too, is now counter-culturally Christian."


Jessica said...

I read this article a few days ago. Good stuff. I am most definitely a complementarian in my views. I love old hymns and good theology. I am pretty much the kind of person the article is talking about. I wouldn't say that makes me the barefoot pregnant kind.

I think all men and women should be able to do everything the other gender is able to do. Men should be able to change diapers and women, oil. I don't think complementarianism comes out in actual practical duties, but rather complementarianism is a leaning/direction of the heart.

I love the book Doing Things Right In Matters of the Heart--This is from the chapter entitled 'He Leads... She Guides--"It is right that men should lead and women welcome and guide that leadership....His goal is to humbly accept the responsibility to lead and not run from it or wield it like a club. The guidance she provides him comes mainly in two forms: in helping him think clearly and in encouraging him to act confidently.

"Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few." Matthew 7:13-14